Creating SMS reminders and follow-up messages for customers – ChatGPT

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:SMS Marketing
  • Beitrag zuletzt geändert am:5. August 2023

Write an SMS reminding potential customers about [event]. Mention the date, time, and location of the event.

Generate an SMS reminding a potential customer about a call with me in 24 hours. Mention that they really want to show up if they want [result or bonus].

Create an SMS campaign with 5 messages after someone books an appointment with [type of business], mentioning the benefits of going to the appointment.


1. “Can you help me create SMS reminders for my customers to sell [product] and follow-up messages to ensure they complete [the desired action]?”

2. “Could you write some SMS reminders that encourage my customers to take action on [fill in the blank]?”

3. “Please help me create SMS reminders that highlight the benefits of [product] and encourage [audience] to try it out.”

4. “I need to create SMS reminders that make my customers feel valued and appreciated. Can you help me with that, using [benefit/discount] as a focus?”

5. “Please write some SMS reminders that clearly explain the benefits of using [product] and why it’s worth the investment.”

6. “Can you create SMS reminders that are friendly and personable while also encouraging customers to take action on [offer]?”

7. “I want to create SMS reminders that appeal to [specific audience] and highlight how [product] can make their lives easier. Can you help me with that?”